Thursday, May 28, 2009


Written Date: September 21, 2006

There is complete silence;
No movement, no disturbance in the air, as the beating drum of life thumps once, twice, then thrice;
In each being rests a pulse, which motivates the body to progress;
This is the pulse, which drives humanity.

Heartbeat remains constant with each breath;
I inhale, receiving the agony of the world around;
Exhaling, I release the joy, which once saturated my soul;
I become invigorated with my curse.

This heart of mine suffers with each breath;
Like daggers, it pierces through each nerve and tissue;
My emotions stream though my mind with anguish as birth.

Not much left for this patched up life inducer;
There shall be no more trials and brokenness to severe to endure;
This is the last beat, as the life within becomes still.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Finished Date: May 10, 2008

In the distant space of soft tranquility, through the silence, lies the harmony of sincerity;
In the beauty of clear consciousness, one finds the sweet refuge of peace;
All blemishes washed away and left where they fade into the night;
Open the mind’s eye; witness the soothing nectar of adoration.

Seemingly perfect is the mirage of self-contentment;
Quiet as the speech of the green infested branches of oaks in the spring;
Deceiving the outside with false optimism and decaying the inside with the unclean entanglements of the eyes, the one deemed child of the king recedes into faint.

Breathe into me your breath of life once again, so that I may feel again the comfort of your embrace;
Undeserving of the love, yet received as a lost sheep from the ninety-and-nine;
The cool clamps of constriction bind me into submission as I willingly welcome the torment that waits, but I raise, hopeful of victory drawing near.

Listen to the steps of the righteous marching forward to their destinies, weaved into the fabric of life by the Almighty Creator;
Their lives tell the story of struggle and triumph from day to day;Becoming apart of those, present myself holy and acceptable in His sight, just to listen…listen to His utterance, completing my journey for purpose